Pinocchio when already old!

That's not the main message here..have u ever lied?If lying is punished the way Pinocchio is,then no one would perhaps has a normal nose.
Lying is something that occurs everyday in every society.A person may want to deceive,maintain a reputation or avoid punishment.In BUSINESS,POLITICS,ROMANCE, it does happen and wont it be nice if we know when we are being lied to?The best part maybe when we know,but the liar still didnt notice that and keep his mouth bla bla bla... Here is simple ways to detect lies,not as complicated as polygraph used by FBI,CIA.
1.Observe how the person smile
Fake smile.
True smile.
-But this way may not be too effective.If tika was lying to me,how am i going to detect it???
Sorry tika,juz kiddin ya bro!! =)

Is he a big liar???
3.Dilated pupils.
-if you are an ardent fans of Detective Conan,you'll notice in one episode,Judy-the FBI agent try to detect lie by looking at the eyeball.If the eyeball is 'mengembang'then the person is lying.
But mcm xappropriate lak nk tgk mata sorg2 tu dkt2 kan.Maybe this way can be implied only on your close one la kan..Well,dari mata turun ke hati... :-)
4.Be conscious of their usage of word.
Quite useful to women.If your boyfren keeps using panggilan yg kunun2 nya manja like syg,baby,intan permata,buah hati pengarang jantung,dinda,kanda, whateva,maybe he forgets your name merely because he is playboy and have lots other syg and baby!
-but girl,if a guy is stuttering to tell you how much he is really in love with you,dont dump him and call him a liar.normal la kan stuttering to utter such word as i love you.this way pun cm not quite effective.oh no, im doubting my own writing!
Dont know if this post really help us to detect lie.As much as you hate it,i dont like to be lied either.This post should not be considered as an effective way to detect lie.Please dont ever judge people wihout knowing him first.
I only lie when:
1.when asked about my heights.i put 2 cm higher in any borang.Well,even a meagre 2 cm do count if you are short!haha.
2.when asked about my weight.i write 2 kg heavier than the actual one.Does it count as lie?
What is your lying?Let's make this world a better place to live in by trying to be as polite as we can!Let's become a better person!
Honcho:i heard it somewhere,dlm hubungan,xelok menipu... :p
so kalo on9? mcm mn nak detect orang tu tipu?
If the eyeball is 'mengembang'then the person is lying.
kalau eyeball aku ni,mmg dh mengembang tahap tak hengat,nk wt cne??
klo tipooo tyme on9 tu..
kira nasib ko la...
kdg2 kte xperlu menipu helah hoho..
semata2 utk kebaikan perkara yg lain..bole kn?hohoho
to pero..bnyk je soalan ko ni..haha.
xpe2,aku bg tips siket penipuan on9 ni..maybe she( i assume she la kan yg tipu ko.haha.juz kiddin k!)wont touch much on the ko korg discuss pasal rumah pnjg ke,then she just touches yg surface2 je without detail..ko try ah ckp lg pasal umah pnjg.kan kepakaran ko tu..hahaha..
xpon,lg 1, maybe she will change the subject suddenly la amcm?
ok x consultation aku ni???
hahaha..but pero,remember 1 thing..
liars,when they speak the truth,are not believed..Aristotle.
ewahh..pnjg pulak aku mengarut ni ye...haha
to ayam...oowhhh in your case (biji mata bolat),i juz assume ko ni sorg yg jujur and ikhlas...hahaha.
setuju x ayam?? ;)
to afiq kdg2 we cant avoid,but as you said, helah,bkn tipu aku isi borg tu,helah aku je tmbh tggi 2 cm tu..hahaha
wesh ko mmg ! x de benda lain kew ko nak igt pasal aku selain RUMAH PANJANG? huh ? =.=
sengal btol ! hehe tp kan... aku ada quote aku sendiri pasal penipu ni... dengar ekk...
"lie is when people get the bullshit out of it~"
hehe amacam ? ada kelas kn~ wesh aku baca dekat grup nnt ada program abang/kakak angkat... wuaaaa~ x nk... aku nak abang alip aku jugak... wuaaaaaaa !!!
to kecik
helah tu kira tipu sunat hoho
lebey kurang sama wktu dgnnya
xperlu dipertikaikan degree penipuan itu
mata yg tajam dan runcing lebih cenderung utk kelentong org
ye kot
aku rasa
to cibies
erm i hope u'll find abg angkt bernama alif, perangai cm alif, muka cm alif dan etc
xmustahil kn
ishh x nak la jehan... ngeri nya macam tu... hahaha ada kau sudah... huhu
my pleasure cibibies leh menipu dlm hubungan
owhh..akhirnya ada jgk yg menjawab pertanyaan ku..thanx lyna!
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