Friday, August 29, 2008

Lagu-lagu Warisan

baru kembali dari kursus BTN di Kem Bumi Jati, Shah Alam..tiada apa yg hendak dibicarakan cuma ada karya yg hendak dikongsikan ini tidak bertujuan untuk menyokong mana2 pihak kerna saya tidak mahu mengotorkan ~..Pujangga Karut..~ ini dgn tulisan yg akan menimbulkan perkara yg tidak diingini.maaf.

Anak Kecil Main Api

Anak kecil main api,
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi,
Air mata darah bercampur keringat,
Bumi dipijak milik orang.

Nenek moyang kaya raya,
Tergadai seluruh harta benda,
Akibat sengketa sesamalah kita,
Cinta lenyap di arus zaman.

Indahnya bumi kita ini,
Warisan berkurun lamanya,
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain,
Peribumi merintih sendiri.

Masa depan sungguh kelam,
Kan lenyap peristiwa semalam,
Tertutup hati terkunci mati,
Maruah peribadi dah hilang

Kini cuma tinggal kuasa,
Yang akan menentukan bangsa,
Bersatulah hati,
bersama berbakti,
Pulih kembali harga diri.

Kita sudah tiada masa,
Bangunlah dengan gagah perkasa,
Janganlah terlalai teruskan usaha,
Melayu kan gagah di nusantara-3x...

Menara Bangsa..

Suria muncul di pagi hari,
Kita bangun sederap kaki,
Menara bangsa akan kita bina,
Perkasa tiada rebah lagi.

Mentari sudah ada di sini,
Pasti bersinar seribu tahun lagi,
Biar berhembus angin sangka kala,
Malam pasti tiada datang.

Kita sudah tiada perlu tidur kerna mimpi ada di depan mata,
Peluh jernih berganti keringat,
Bersinar bagai mutiara.

Rimba akan terus hijau,
Unggas riang ria b’kicau,
Air jernih meriak di kali,
Udara nyaman tenang di rongga.

Darah kembali berharga,
Merah buat penyeri muka,
Embun jernih meniti di bibir,
Kasih sayang jadi milik semua.

Kita bebas terbang laksana burung,
Terikat hanya di tali cinta.
Kita bebas terbang laksana burung,
Terikat hanya di tali cinta.


dua karya indah yg begitu mendalam maksudnya..telah mencetuskan minda lemah ini untuk berfikir seketika tentang nasib anak bangsa,saudara seagama..kenapakah wujudnya petualang
Si Kitul dan Raja Mendeliar dalam sejarah gemilang org melayu...mampukah negara ini melahirkan Dato Onn mahupun Tunku Abdul Rahman?i dont wish to comment further in this matter.biar ku tak bersuara.biarlah hujah ini di simpan di ruang pikiran drpd di letak di draft,menunggu masa untuk di publish.Selamat Meyambut Kemerdekaan Ke 51!

Honcho:im not a great debator but i've my own thought..haisyyyyy...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Su Doku Enthusiast!

Solving A sU dOKU!

In Japan,they dont do many crossword.they play a deceptively game of logic,Su Doku instead.It is a logic-based number placement puzzle that drive my world crazy!its objective is to fill blank boxes from number 1-9 so that each column,each row, and each region comprises the digits from 1-9 without any repetition.

Gazillions of puzzles are devoured in train carriages and waiting room every day.Su Doku fever!

A simpler version of Su Doku was created by Leonhard Euler, the 18th Swiss Mathematician, and the present's Su Doku is said to have evolved from that.Apparently, I couldnt resist doing them on my daily journey!Unlike a crossword, Su Doku doesnt require us to guess.we dont even need to speak a particular language to get sucked in this puzzle.

A good tip is usually to think in the boxes, not out of the boxes!Every puzzle can be solved from the clues provided.Do remember, there is only one solution!

Have a go at su doku provided in this ~..Pujangga Karut..~ blog!
Do leave a message if you are one of the puzzle enthusiast!

oops!before i forget.Here is also provided the list of Su Doku types and puzzles. :-) (i wonder whether the correct terms is su doku enthusiast or su doku FREAK!)

Su Doku fever!

Sub Doku
Grids smaller than 9×9. Sometimes referred to as Children's Sudoku (especially the 4x4) as the reduced number of possibilities makes them easier to solve.
Super Doku
Grids larger than 9×9.
Prime Doku
N×N grid where N is prime. Generally constructed with polyomino regions, e.g. Go Doku and pentominos.
Maximum Su Doku
The class of puzzles which have the maximum number of independent clues needed to allow a complete and unique solution.
Minimum Su Doku
The class of puzzles which have the minimum number of clues needed to allow a complete and unique solution.
Proper puzzle
A puzzle that has a unique solution.(unique how??!!)
Satisfactory puzzle
A puzzle that does not require trial and error. Note: the level of trial and error is usually not explicitly defined.
Purely numeric puzzle
Puzzles which use purely numbers.
Purely literal puzzle
A sudoku puzzle which uses letters instead of numbers.
Numeroliteral puzzle
Puzzles using a combination of letters and numbers, usually seen in 12x12 sudoku puzzles.

common su doku freak in komuter!


damn!lamanye xtulis anything in BI!to be honest, i've just come across with those types of su doku mentioned above!
juz hope it is useful info for su doku enthusiast.(or freak,maniac?!!)well, sharing is caring.
do leave a message if you are one of the maniac!