Friday, June 25, 2010

cikgu mansor bin ishak

sometimes i really miss him. (T.T)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


i hate it when i use my blog to express emo2 thingy.cess.


shud start posting sumthing better from now.this dusty blog will be active again.

Friday, February 19, 2010


maaf kerana aku xmemahami...

maaf kerana aku lelaki sebegini...

maafkan aku kerana aku................

Friday, August 14, 2009

i wish

i wish i was a good that i dont have to eat kubera.

i wish for someone to cook for there anyone?

i wish i'm a diligent student but i 'm not (right now.)

i wish for everything. i wish..

honcho: a wish is a desire without an attempt.isn't it?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

cerita kehidupan.

Jaya Prakash Park.

Sedang duduk2 di atas kerusi,memandang kerenah manusia2 di bumi india ini..sari dipadankan dengan kasut sport,pemandangan biasa di sini..baju2 kemeja dengan warna terang-menderang, (tdk pasti this is the right word)kanak2 berkeliaran riang,tiada masalah dalam dunia kecil mereka..
Mereka lebih gemar berjalan2 sahaja,tidak pasti pemandangan apa yg menarik,sekadar tasik yg tidak terjaga,patung2 yg tidak tersusun,dengan rumput2 yg panjang menjadi penghuni JP Park ini..

Masa diisi dengan membacakan buku cerita kepada seseorang..tumpuan sgt diberikan hingga tidak menghiraukan langsung keadaan sekeliling..


pemandangan biasa di India

Baiya2 (abg )..pehaku disentuh seorg kanak2 lelaki..5-6 thn,berpakaian comot,tidak berselipar,mulut ternganga,rambut penuh dgn pasir merah jp park..dia meminta2 gula2 yg sedang dimakan,walhal sudah habis,yg tggl hanyalah pembalutnya sahaja..bargkali dia tdk fhm,walaupun sudah diberitahu tiada makanan,budak lelaki tersebut tetap di situ,baiya2..
kesabaranku mudah sekali menghakis..geram apabila dia tidak mahu beredar,suara ditinggikan hingga mukanya berubah..kemudian dia beredar..

yes!kemenangan di pihakku!

Berasa lapang apabila tidak diganggu lg..mudah sekali aku tidak menghiraukan perut kosong kanak2 malang itu..seseorg yg berada di sebelah segera mengingatkan.

''eyh,knp marah2 ni,kesian budak tu..mana tau kalau2 dia lapar..berubah gila muka budak tu tgk u marah2 dia tau."

ya allah,apa la yg aku buat ni..bdk lelaki itu hanya sekadar dtg menginginkan sesuatu untuk dimakan,tanpa perasaan kasihan,dia dihalau..elaun mara 34000 setiap bulan,lebih dari cukup..mkn terlebih2 kdg2,tapi tidak mampu untuk memberikan hatta 10 rupee sekalipun..sudah terlambat apabila menyesal,budak itu sudah hilang tanpa dapat dikesan..

setiap kali berada di jp park..peristiwa ini pasti terimbau2..ntah2 budak tu lapar xmkn,wajahnya tak mungkin dapat dilupakan..kasihan,apabila dilayan sebegitu rupa..kecil2 lagi sudah menghadapi dugaan hidup sebegini,mungkin org susah,tidak dapat makan,rumah yg hanya berbumbungkan langit,berlantaikan tanah..aku yg bersenang lenang di sriram sadhana ini tidak memikirkan semua..maafkan aku,kerana terleka dgn kesenangan yg Engkau kurniakan,terima ksih kerana memberi peringatan kepadaku tentang cerita kehidupan..

Honcho: ...(T-T)
thanx,because u were there to remind me..please stay by my side,i really love u.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sherlock Holmes

Holmes~one of the greatest fictional detective story created by Arthur Conan Doyle.

~sigh~why do i get easily stucked with this book instead of the guytons,jains,chaurasias or datta..haish..juz finish 2 cases which are The Study in Scarlet and Sign Of do a guy could solve a murder by the slightest clue without even going to the crime scene himself?kalah gerak khas yang memerlukan A.Galak mengejar org jahat untuk mendapatkan informasi..haha

He is just a self-proclaimed ~consulting-detective~,a profession he is proud of.The only consulting-detective in the astute observer,a man with high self-esteemed...and i wish i would become a detective and solve a crime like a certain Sherlock Holmes..but there is still one interesting branch in medical field,forensic medicine..God knows how much i love to solve a puzzle,boastfully accusing the murderer,reveal the tactic used in his crime but at the end of the day,i would like to treat an ill patient lying in his bed as much as i love to be in the forensic field..there is always other ways to make this world better heh..

there is always a thought to ponder..

owh,buku ini hanya dibaca di kala kebosanan di dalam lecture hall,especially time bio-chem.
blog ini juga telah ditukar nama,kerana karya2 yang diposkan tidaklah sehebat mana untuk digelar pujangga..hehe.

Honcho:yes im back..this blog is officially re-launched.ada org dh update blog jugak! =)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A week: Tension Chapter

First IA-An Unprecendented Battle

A week full of tension engulfed me in the unforgettable 4 days of beautiful December.15-18 December had been a humangous burden to carry on my is not that bad actually,but having my very first IA without proper preparation is like having a date without grooming my analogy too much a hype?haha

15 December 08:

Anatomy; 10.00-12.00.

Knee joint?I can barely remember it..aiyoo..but have to be optimistic,it's not that bad actually..
Still can answer but without the fullest confident of it.that's what happen when u prefer to sleep in stead of focussing for merely an hour in the condusive-for-sleeping lecture hall.

16 December 08:

Physiology; 10.00-12.00.

Soooooo many chapter to cover..have to skip a few,but then the chapter skipped was not asked in the exam..phew!!But still the hardest paper among the three.Myastina gravis,acid secreted in the stomach,obstructive jaundice...aisey..where is anemia????!!!!!Well,as hard as expected.Can only pray to the Almighty so that the disaster would not then turn into a catastrophe! Boom!
If u think anatomy is hard enough,think again.

17 December 2008:


Carbohydrate,lipid,protein,nucleic acid,enzyme..all of these chapters were covered in less than 24 hours!5 chapters that were tought in two lenghty months were read in less than a day before exam..then,if my calculation is right,i would be able to finish biochem tought for a year in juz 4 short days!haha.just a stupid joke..biochem is the killer subject according to seniors here.Have to see the result first and hope for the bestest!

18 December 08:Practical Test

i have to do colour reaction of protein..after finishing the 5th reaction,Prof Nadiger came to acces and asked a few question..okay!

I forgot to write a report on my practical book.manage to finish the report just in the lab,''no 74!come here!''.i was called by prof Suresh.Due to misunderstanding,he wanted to cut my marks because of my practical book was not sent to be accessed by the lecturer.I wasn't able to justly defended myself.aisey..then,going back to my place.i have to prick my finger to calculate the Leukocyte.Have to do it two times,another one for the blood group which supposed to be O-
but surprisingly turned out tobe A+.Hahaha.Eventually,Meghna told me that my marks wont be cut,thanks to Am who explained it to her.tq Am!

Anatomy: Histology and Spotters

In 1 minute time,u have to identify a slide given and give its two features.After ten minutes,it's finished.The slide is hard to identify especially spinal ganglion and sympathetic ganglion.

Spotters-the one that really made me nervous and blood surged through my vein in such a high velocity that would made usain bolt left behind.Really hard to identify the the structure under such an intense circumstance.I guess that's what happened when u wandering around from table to table during dissection in stead of lending an attentive ear to what the lecturer said.Then........
FINISH!!!Going to Barista,owh i was going to kerala also for vacation!


Honcho:only a battle not a war..study2!haha.